Monday, September 25, 2006

Sunday September 24, 2006 (Real Missionaries)

I think we are “real missionaries” now. When we were in training at MTI in Colorado Springs, a few of us joked about the “ real missionaries” in reference to those who are in hard places and daily living is more difficult. Now that we have been without power or water for 24 hours, we have had our first taste of life in the wild. We have no idea why there isn’t power or water or when it might end. There is no generator either right now, which usually is running when the regular electric supply is off. Fortunately, I was able to locate some rainwater and filled buckets to carry to our guesthouse so that I could at least flush toilets. We bathed as best as we could out of buckets before church this morning.

On the logistics side, we still are in the same place. We are trusting God to supply our needs and know that He will in His time. We just hope that His time is soon.

Pamela’s suitcase still is not here and apparently is lost. God knows where it is and we are praying that He will bring it back. We need wisdom in knowing how hard we should work to locate it ourselves, versus how much to be still and trust God to provide it.

We do have money in our Ugandan account, but no checks or bankcards yet. Hopefully tomorrow we will have the means to spend money from our account.

We were very excited about a house that we were supposed to see on Friday, but the owner is in England and decided that she did not want the house shown while she was out of the country. We saw one house, but it was very dirty and unacceptable. This was very discouraging because we thought the house that we were supposed to see would be “the one”. God had been encouraging us for two days to wait on His provision, and we were expectant that this would be it.

I have a good lead on a vehicle and hope that we can finalize the deal on Monday.

We have no idea when we will have our container. It does appear that it has arrived in Mombassa, Kenya, but it is not clear as to whether or not it has departed there yet. We really need it here if we are going to move into a house since all our household goods are on it. Please pray that God will watch over it and bring it here quickly and safely.

We like our boys’ schools, and they do too. The Word of Life School where Collin, Blake, and Addison attend is very rigorous and already demanding much of them. Homework is plentiful, especially for Blake. Christian’s school isn’t as demanding at this point, and he has had zero homework.

Pamela and I ate at an Indian restaurant on Friday that was excellent. There are many, many varieties of ethnic food here, and we hope to sample many of them.

Pamela is very discouraged right now because we are so unsettled. We have been without a home since July 14th, and in many ways since the end of May. It would be so wonderful to have a place to call home and begin to establish ourselves here. Our hearts’ desire is find His will, in His time, by His provision. Until then, we desire to rest in Him and to wait upon Him.


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